About Secret Mission
Welcome to Secret Mission, a game and web development company located in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are available for hire and will always deliver top quality on time. Feel free to contact us to discuss your next secret mission.
Game Development
I have been making video games for over 15 years. Working on everything from tripple A titles, MMORPG to small mobile games and education products.
Web Development
I make small good looking pages like this one as well as more advanced javascript applications.
For the last 6 years I have been a Game Dev teacher and also started my own game dev education at Yrgo. I'm available for guest lectures.
Clients and Projcets

Robert är lätt att jobba med och gör alltid ett bra jobb. Levererar i tid och med hög kvalitet.
Magnus Osbäck
Developer Director Lin Education
Robert är en bra kodare och en duktig föreläsare som brinner för det han håller på med. Han levererar bra kvalitet och lär från sina misstag.
Henrik van Ginhoven
Programming Guru
Robert är en fantastisk level designer som är lätt att jobba med och alltid levererar toppkvalitet
Thomas Lilja
Lead Artist at Friend and Foe
It stood clear pretty early that Robert was one of the most talented new level designers i had seen (and already better than many experienced ones). When given assignments I noticed that not only does he get it "right" with very little supervision, he does it lightning-fast, too.
Rickard Edén
Developer at Mindemia
Robert is a thorough, imaginative and creative designer that quickly learns the tools and the mindset behind them. He elaborates on ideas given to him, makes them his own and builds something unique and interesting from whatever source material he's given. He respects and delivers on deadline, always shows great interest and loyalty in the project and is someone I'd gladly work with again if I got the opportunity.
Andreas Roman
Creative Director at Style and Substance
Feel free to contact us to discuss your next secret mission.